Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Are You Saying: A Look at Non Verbal Communication pg.105

Have you ever misunderstood the way someone was feeling, or misinterpreted a message because you were not sure of the language or the meaning? Well unlike language which allows us to plan, dream, remember,evaluate,create reality,reflect on ourselves, and the world around up (Wood,Julie) nonverbal communication includes gestures, body language how we utter word  features of the environment and objects. 65-93% of the total meaning of a message is non verbal communication. There are 10 different types of non verbal communication.
1. Kinesics
2. Haptics
4. Proxmeics
5. Chronemics
6. Paralanguage
7. Physical Appearance
8. Artifacts
10. Silent

This picture below is a great example of nonverbal communication using Kinesics. It is very obvious that upset. Her face expresses her mood and is a powerful way for conveying a message.


  1. Good examples of nonverbal communications. However, like in my post blog for kinesics, there are various ways in which we deal with communicating with each other. There are times however when I do not understand a person because of the use of their nonverbal communication. For example, when am so sad and depressed and do not feel like socializing, I stay quiet and push people away. Others would probably do the opposite such as shopping to help cope with their sadness. Great job explaining the terms, though they could have had some small definitions for each term within the nonverbal communication terms.

  2. I find it interesting how they have names for all of these different types of non verbal communication. But in a way they are all considered as the same thing. But non verbal comminication is something that i am known for. Based on my looks you will be able to understand exactly what i am trying to say! lol

  3. I totally agree with that comment Sheree. Although, some of my nonverbal communication gets misread because of the way I look and most say I look mad or sad. Its just my seriousness in my facial expressions. LOL
