Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let's get Prejudice! Prejudice! pg.91

"Like Stereotyping, anyone can be prejudiced and anyone can experience prejudice"(Jandt, 2010). To assume the dissatisfaction of a race, group,religion or someones preferred sex is prejudice. Not giving some one the benefit of the doubt based on experiences within that person race, religion is not right. Prejudice happens frequently with in our cultures and societies. It evens happens within the same cultures. The following clips is bot only hilarious but it represents the ignorance that is prejudice.

 A great example of prejudice comes from the book, Japan and Korea  have been prejudice towards one another for years and it makes no sense.  Japan is seen has a "trouble makers" just because they have made a few mistakes by encroaching on land in Korea. I found this reason to absolutely pitiful.Prejudice is just another intercultural communication barrier that needs to be obsolete.

It's unfortunate, but I can admit to being prejudice against a culture and or race. Regrettably I  have seen prejudice against me and my family so I too, know what it feels likes. This experience has allowed me to stop the circle of hate.     


  1. Prejudice is something I cannot stand though at times I admit to being prejudice when it comes to certain circumstances. When it comes across to me, I get really upset. In the gay community, I seem to have other guys look down upon because I do not look a certain way and therefore judge me based on their ideas of their own prejudices. It upsets me when they do that. Masculinity does not define a guy to be muscular or masculine, but the quality of the man that I am. Prejudice hurts and it happens in all aspects of life. I agree with you 100%.

  2. That video was a great example! I was glad when he slapped him at the end because that's the feeling that i get when i see ignorance and predjudices towards my own race from other people who are black as well. ALthough that video was a skit, its also reality. Sadly regardless if your black, white, asian, mexican, gay, lesbian, transexual; we all have experience predjudice some time in out lives and sadly this is something that will never change. All we can do is make sure we dont repeat the cycle.
