Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sterotypes: LOUND and CLEAR pg.86

 After reviewing stereotypes in  chapter 4, I then realized that stereotypes can sometimes be hurtful. Walter Lippmann used the word to describe judgments made about others on the basis for their ethnic group membership (Jandt, 2010). The book explains that when the brain receive information that is not correct it send an ambiguous message. The perception of people and objects vary from person to  person, so when an observation is made then often times its bases on opinion and not fact. For example, the stereotype that i think is the most popular one had to be about California blondes. This stereotypes state that women who have blonde hair tend to be on the ditzy side, and or stupid. Now there are a million jokes regarding this stereotype and not once have I ever wondered wondered if such statements were hurtful. And just a great example of how that stereotype is just that the link  is to a website of a great author who just happens to my a relative of mine.

Pairs Hilton is prime example of a blonde who most people consider to be stupid but in all actuality she is a business women with a brand she created all on her own.


  1. The thing about stereotypes is that people seem to make positive and/or negative remarks about one person or group. An example I am faced with is that gay guys are often perceived as flamboyant and out there. I am neither. Sure I may act in a small way flamboyant, but its just the childish nature in my heart. This term or concept is clearly presented well. Good job!!!

  2. Sterotypes is an issue that no one can avoid.Usually when people see me i get judged as a the player type because of what i look like and because i'm close to a lot of guys. WHICH DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING AND IS COMEPLETELY FALSE! lol. Moreover as i got older ive learned not to be quick to stereotype people because you can be proven wrong. And when that happens your the one that ends up looking stupid in the end. I try to get to know the person before i stereotype because i hate it when people are quick to judge me.

  3. And then there are times when some of those stereotypes or judgments about a person are correct in a way. But it is still wrong to judge a book by its cover.
