Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let's get Prejudice! Prejudice! pg.91

"Like Stereotyping, anyone can be prejudiced and anyone can experience prejudice"(Jandt, 2010). To assume the dissatisfaction of a race, group,religion or someones preferred sex is prejudice. Not giving some one the benefit of the doubt based on experiences within that person race, religion is not right. Prejudice happens frequently with in our cultures and societies. It evens happens within the same cultures. The following clips is bot only hilarious but it represents the ignorance that is prejudice.

 A great example of prejudice comes from the book, Japan and Korea  have been prejudice towards one another for years and it makes no sense.  Japan is seen has a "trouble makers" just because they have made a few mistakes by encroaching on land in Korea. I found this reason to absolutely pitiful.Prejudice is just another intercultural communication barrier that needs to be obsolete.

It's unfortunate, but I can admit to being prejudice against a culture and or race. Regrettably I  have seen prejudice against me and my family so I too, know what it feels likes. This experience has allowed me to stop the circle of hate.     

What Are You Saying: A Look at Non Verbal Communication pg.105

Have you ever misunderstood the way someone was feeling, or misinterpreted a message because you were not sure of the language or the meaning? Well unlike language which allows us to plan, dream, remember,evaluate,create reality,reflect on ourselves, and the world around up (Wood,Julie) nonverbal communication includes gestures, body language how we utter word  features of the environment and objects. 65-93% of the total meaning of a message is non verbal communication. There are 10 different types of non verbal communication.
1. Kinesics
2. Haptics
4. Proxmeics
5. Chronemics
6. Paralanguage
7. Physical Appearance
8. Artifacts
10. Silent

This picture below is a great example of nonverbal communication using Kinesics. It is very obvious that upset. Her face expresses her mood and is a powerful way for conveying a message.

Sterotypes: LOUND and CLEAR pg.86

 After reviewing stereotypes in  chapter 4, I then realized that stereotypes can sometimes be hurtful. Walter Lippmann used the word to describe judgments made about others on the basis for their ethnic group membership (Jandt, 2010). The book explains that when the brain receive information that is not correct it send an ambiguous message. The perception of people and objects vary from person to  person, so when an observation is made then often times its bases on opinion and not fact. For example, the stereotype that i think is the most popular one had to be about California blondes. This stereotypes state that women who have blonde hair tend to be on the ditzy side, and or stupid. Now there are a million jokes regarding this stereotype and not once have I ever wondered wondered if such statements were hurtful. And just a great example of how that stereotype is just that the link  is to a website of a great author who just happens to my a relative of mine.

Pairs Hilton is prime example of a blonde who most people consider to be stupid but in all actuality she is a business women with a brand she created all on her own.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Growing up in a African American household where the ratio of women to men was 3:1, you learn a thing or two about superstition.  I remember while sweeping the floor in my kitchen running the broom accidentally across my mother’s foot and her taking the broom out of my hand to spit on it. In the book, Intercultural Communication (pg.17) superstitions  are described as customs that are labels superstitions because it is believed these types of practices influence a course of events. For example, according to Jandt's (pg. 17) Superstition are only a small part of culture but certainly an interesting part. I believe that things like superstition can give a person culture identity.

My favorite superstition of all has to me the one about "The Black Cat". "If you live in the United States, or most European countries, then black cats passing in front of you will likely make you believe that no matter how dismal things are now, things are going to get worse. If however you live in the United Kingdom, or in Japan, black cats crossing your path will probably make you smile, and think that good fortune is on its way.

                                                                                                                -best cat art

Globalization: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly pg.6

As Americans shouldn't we love the idea of globalization? As Americans  we should pride ourselves on our  ability to spread our innovations around the world and influence change.  Well Globalization  describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade. On the surface this idea sounds wonderful, but what if globalization was really bad? What if the idea of imposing our beliefs and our cultures on other countries inevitability erased their own was truly ugly?  Some people are for globalization for reasons that pertain to money or profit, while on the other hand working class citizens of America are against it and what is stands for. The clip below is a sarcastic point of view referring to globalization.

Although I find globalization to be a bit narcissistic, truth be told it has be able to help countries that are not self-sufficient become better entities of the world.